A Day at the Zoo:
The kingdom is blessed to have a free zoo within its borders. So the Queen, Prince and two of the kingdom's finest relatives, Lady Carolyn and Lady Rachael, all went to see the animals. For the most part it was a very enjoyable morning. The only downside noted was the unfortunate timing of the zoo trip which seemed to have coincided with a kindergarten field trip. But once the children were on their way the Prince and Lady were able to see the animals too. It was definitely a day that will have to be repeated (sans kindergartners).
The kingdom is blessed to have a free zoo within its borders. So the Queen, Prince and two of the kingdom's finest relatives, Lady Carolyn and Lady Rachael, all went to see the animals. For the most part it was a very enjoyable morning. The only downside noted was the unfortunate timing of the zoo trip which seemed to have coincided with a kindergarten field trip. But once the children were on their way the Prince and Lady were able to see the animals too. It was definitely a day that will have to be repeated (sans kindergartners).

So glad you were able to have such a fun outing. The picture of the Prince and Lady Rachael together is too cute!
i love that one too. they look like they are having fun together.
rachael's face in the second picture is pretty cute too.
But of course.
Carolyn's face is pretty cute in the top picture.;)
The Prince and Her Ladyship Rachael seem to enjoy each others company. I just love the look on Her Ladyship's face! What animal is she looking at? I will have to learn the whereabouts of this farm, so I can bring all my Princess's there for a fun day!
believe it or not she was looking at a parakeet. this zoo is at the Holtsville ecology site. it is cute and free. there is also a park and consession stand but i think the stand may only be open in the summer.
i think your girls would have a good time.
Lady Rachael was enjoying the parakeets. They kept flying towards us and startling me... uh, I mean her. That cut out picture is too funny. It's one of those, "I can't believe she made me do this" pictures.
A fun morning! :)
who was saying that...you or the kids?
the face Rachael is making looks like that's what she's saying. i'm always up for looking goofy- i'm very accomplished at it! :)
tres jolies photos des enfants au parc, faudra se rencontrer la prochaine fois que l on visite les Terry.
Je sais pas si vous voulez la traduction, si oui n hesitez pas.
De la part de la famille Hornez.
J'ai obtenu la traduction des poissons de Babel. :)
OK, so who's going to translate for me?
Great now we will be learning French! I agree with what The Hornez clan had to say!
connie knows french too? i never thought i could learn so much from blogging.
Je peux écrire le français aussi. Ceci est le si beaucoup d'amusement. Regarder que tout mon travail assidu a fait. Je suis un parfum international !
Bonjour a tous,
Si vous voulez, je peux vous donner des lecons de francais la prochaine fois que l on vient sur New york. Ou par correspondance mais ce sera plus difficile pour travailler l accent.
Merci beaucoup pour votre offre. J'accepte avec joie. Je devrai résoudre le problème d'accent mais je pense que je peux le faire.
Je ne peux imaginer rien pour charmer que le français parlé avec un accent de New York !
Great, what's going on?
I said I can't imagine anything more charming than French spoken with a New York accent!
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