Saturday, October 14, 2006

And the Winner is:

Another costume emerged from the depths of the costume vault and pulled out a landslide victory. So much for the poll.


the editor said...

I always wanted to dress my babies as a peapod but they were never small enough at Halloween!! I would have definitely voted for this!

Em and Jonah said...

What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

le petit legume vert est beau.c est aussi a mon gout.

Elliott Allstars said...

you go Aunt Jen!!!

Anonymous said...

This was the translation I got for Lissa comment. "The small green legume is beau.c is also has my gout." I get the first line but what does the second one mean?

Connie said...

It means it is to her taste or her liking.


Anonymous said... french is a little.....rusty ,but i thought gout ment choice(o should have hat on)