Thursday, October 19, 2006

Something to Ponder:

While Amy was here, there was a slight discussion brought up on the topic of PB and J. Leah had a peanut butter sandwich, no jelly. I said that if I had to choose I would rather have a jelly sandwich, no peanut butter. Amy said she would choose just as Leah had, no jelly. I have a feeling I may be alone in this one but please tell me all of you out there in the Nation. Peanut butter or jelly. Since Caleb can not try peanut butter until he is two, I guess I will say he chooses jelly... well I guess I am not alone then am I...


thedollymama said...

Well, Jack would pick jelly and cream cheese, maybe Caleb would like to try that. My sil's mother likes peanut butter and mayo. I think it was Elvis that dug the peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and let us not forget about the classic fluffernutter. So many choices for the Prince.

Anonymous said...

did someone say peanut butter and mayo? that could very well be the grossest combination of foods i have ever heard. thank you i shall go now and have nightmares.

Anonymous said...

i happen to enjoy jelly and cream cheese also. that mayo and peanut butter thing is truly nasty, it's like a comination of heart attack and stroke. but hey whatever floats your boat.

Anonymous said...

My brother used to like PB and mayo. I never had the nerve to try it. I like PB&butter on toast, PB&bananas, PB&J, PB&tomato, PB&fluff, jelly (well, actually I like jam better)&butter and jelly&cream cheese. And, oh yeah, cream cheese and olives -- green or black.

Anonymous said...

If I had to choose I would have to say Peanut butter and Cheetos. Does that count?

Anonymous said...

forget the combos, the real question was, do you choose peanut butter OR jelly?

the editor said...

Peanut butter-right out of the jar - sometimes with raspberry jam!

Anonymous said...

hey, if you throw in jam that is almost the same as pb and j. i think that would be cheating Carolyn.

thedollymama said...

If you are going to eat PB out of the jar, you may as well just pour a bag of m&ms in there.

Connie said...

I vote with the Mancuso family. PB straight out of the jar with an M&M (or chocolate chip) chaser! See, that's separate...

Anonymous said...

How about a tablespoon of pb right out of the jar with mini chocolate chips! Yummmmmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

ok you guys are not playing fair. there are tons of things that go with peanut butter. what about pool 'ol jelly? it only gets lousy cream cheese.

we all know combos of thing are good but we are talking about PB or J solo on bread,who wins that one?

Anonymous said...

I believe cbythesea enjoys jelly on macaroni and cheese.

Connie said...

Okay, I will try to play fair. I actually like either PB or jelly/jam alone on bread better than the 2 together. So I vote one for each. ;)

Hmmm, jelly with mac and cheese. That's a Pop-Pop invention, BTW. I thought he was crazy, until I tried it.

Connie said...

Sorry, Scribey, this isn't an answer to the PB OR J question, but I just wanted to mention my most favorite way to eat a PB&J sandwich. By dunking it into tomato soup. Hmmm, yum!

Anonymous said...

the enlish view is to always seperate pb and jelly(or as we would say jam)em goes for pb on hot toast,i love jam and butter on toast,andrew likes to dip a bar of fruit and nut in his pb.2 pb 1 jam

the editor said...

OK, fine if i must choose it's PB. Happy, Jenn?!!
Matt, Kyle and Tom vote PB and Rachael says jelly.
4 PB and 1 J

Anonymous said...

I give up. Under severe duress and many threats, I will vote for just one. PB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT!! Thank you Constance for breaking out from your political correctness and actually choosing a side. I applaud you.

with that said... Peanut Butter over Jelly. I though I knew you Mother Constance, I though I knew you.

Anonymous said...

Yes! i knew Rachael was the smart one in your group.

Anonymous said...

Jam, Jelly, all the same to me. Both good, both better than solo Peanut Butter. Good Choice Lissa

Anonymous said...

the best thing to dunk in Tomato soup is grilled cheese.

Anonymous said...

i am proud to be part of a family who continplates the deeper isues,PB OR NOT PB.