Monday, July 17, 2006

The Prince Picks Up Some Bad Habits:

Maybe it was the above 90 degree weather today that changed the Prince from a sweet little boy to a boy cruising on the wild side. He was spotted doing some less than flattering things which were all caught on camera. Thankfully when the heat started to taper off, Prince Caleb was back to normal...or was it that he was just worn out from all the fun...


Connie said...

Wild, maybe, but it sure looks like he enjoyed himself! What a cutie -- love the one with the pipe, so funny.

The National Scribe said...

i know he picks up things quickly but driving at 7 months! now that is impressive... the pipe one was hard to get, it kept falling out of his mouth, it was even tougher with the camera delay but i finally got it.

Connie said...

Good job catching the shot!
Hope the prince doesn't take after his father, who had his first driving accident at 17 months...

The National Scribe said...

god forbid...i'm sure caleb will be an excellent driver at 17 months.